ways to drive more visitors to your blog without seo ( 2018 newest tricks)

One of the questions I have been asked again and again by my readers is how to increase website traffic without SEO?
When you are just starting out it is difficult to get organic traffic to your website. You might or might not be practicing SEO strategy but you have to understand that it is a long-term strategy.
Think of it (SEO) like a pension.
I have a better way for you to increase your website traffic without SEO or at least until your SEO mangoes are ripe.
There are hundreds of ways to drive website traffic without SEO

how to drive visitor without seo, blogging tutorial

Whether it’s a new blog or a hit one, driving traffic is every blogger’s primary concern and the search for ways to drive more and more traffic to the blog never ends. You are here on this page because you’ve been trying to figure out ways to drive more traffic to your blog and here is where your search ends.

In this article, I’ll be showing you proven methods of driving traffic and also tell you how to do it.
Before we jump into learning these methods, let me tell you that you may not have heard of them before, but that doesn’t mean they won’t drive traffic. Stick till the end and find out for yourself.

#1 Driving traffic to your blog from SlideShare

You must have stumbled upon SlideShare at least once when looking for notes or presentations online. It is a place for all to share PowerPoint Presentations where you can download these presentations and share them on various social media platforms.
Has it ever hit your mind that SlideShare could actually help drive insane traffic to your blog?
There are successful bloggers out there who drive massive traffic to their blogs with SlideShare being among the top traffic sources. Bloggers share as much as 9 presentations in a month and bring in an insane amount of traffic to their blogs.
How? Let’s see.
Here are some prerequisites before you start driving traffic from SlideShare
  • Let’s clear the basics first. More views for your presentations, more chances of driving huge traffic.
  • Let’s learn some lessons from successful bloggers like Ana Hoffman. According to her, you need somewhere between 900 to 1100 views to get your slides in the featured box and to make it to the top and have your presentation hailed as Top PowerPoint presentation of the day, you may need 1200 to 1500 views.
  • Uploading your presentation anywhere between 11pm and 2am will fetch you better results as this is the best time to do so. You may not understand the reason behind this last prerequisite at first, but know that these are lessons derived from stories of successful bloggers.

Way to your desired traffic in 3 easy steps

Step1: Create a presentation

Keeping in mind the blogposts you look forward to publishing on your blog, create a presentation to be uploaded on SlideShare. So the first thing on my to-do list is to create a presentation on “how to start a blog”.
Now, how would you create it? A glance at few methods you could follow.
  • Do it yourself: We are talking about creating what ay school kid can all by himself. Presentations might sound a lot of work at first but if you give it a shot using your creativity you may end up creating an amazing presentation.
PowerPoint, Keynote, and OpenOffice.org are some of the tools you could use to create a presentation.
  • Downloading a template: If you find creating a presentation from scratch a pain in the head, you could take the easy route of downloading a PowerPoint template from the internet and customize it as seems fit to the tone of your presentation.
  • Having expert at work: This may be the best of all having less work and worries leaving you with the only task of choosing the right person for the job from Fiverr.com the place to hire freelancers. You could hire an expert for as low as $5 to create a presentation for you.
It is really important to create a presentation that is appealing to the viewers and remember that the traffic you expect to drive to your blog from here depends highly on the content you share on SlideShare i.e. your presentation.

Step2: Use of right images

The use of images in your presentation is very crucial to the impact you expect to leave on the huge audience base at SlideShare. What better way to explain your content to the viewers than the beautiful visuals.
As for the example, we’ve considered in this article, i.e. “how to start a blog” we can break the process down into steps and then choose images accordingly. Make sure you use free images and not the licensed or copyrighted ones.

Step3: Embedding links and publishing your presentation

Here’s my favorite part of SlideShare. You get to embed links into your presentations and also call-to-action buttons to make sure your presentations lead the viewers to your blogs and also encourage them to share it on social media.
Once you’re done with all the finishing touches, it’s time to publish the thing. Just having your presentation live on SlideShare doesn’t end your work. Use social media to promote your presentation. Your desired traffic is out there. It’s yours! Go get it!

#2 Drive more traffic to your blog from StumbleUpon

You may question the inclusion of StumbleUpon in this list as to whether it’s still a strong player in driving traffic like its early days. Let me tell you it still holds waters. Many bloggers drive huge traffic to their blog from StumbleUpon even to this day.
The stats of some studies about SU paint a very clear picture. Studies say that SU is capable of providing 3 times the traffic you get from Reddit and it doesn’t end just there. Imagine the traffic that you can drive from LinkedIn and Google+ combined. Wait, now imagine more, yes that’s the traffic SU is capable of driving to your blog.
Is it possible to drive more traffic from SU without putting in much efforts?
If you can’t find time to spend, spend money on advertising. It is worth spending a few bucks for advertising. Do it the right way and you are most likely to get huge traffic from SU.

Content suitable for StumbleUpon

  • Amazing tutorials
  • Funny/entertaining videos
  • Stunning images
  • Infographics

Your guide to driving traffic from SU

Step1: Create your content you wish to promote

Before you start creating and promoting the content that you know works well on SU, make sure you do a demographic research on SU groups. This way, you can get an idea of the topics that are trending and create your SU optimized content.
Another way is to create a landing page for the SU audience and bring in traffic to the page. On a WordPress blog, you can do this by simply installing a landing page plugin.

Step2: Spend some money on promoting your content

Got the content ready? Made sure it is optimized to be shared on StumbleUpon? Now time for the big bang – promoting your product through advertising.

Step3: Evaluating the advertising strategy

You don’t want paid views to your blogposts, you want to earn them. After all, you’ve put much efforts in creating your content. So make sure to check if your post has driven traffic organically. If they haven’t, it’s time to get back to the drawing board and make some revisions to your strategy. Find why it failed the first time around, make the required changes and repeat the process.

#3 Use Retargeted pixels to drive traffic from Facebook

You may at some point notice a fall in the reach of your Facebook posts and wondered for the reason. Let’s keep the reason aside and see the macro picture. Improving this reach can be tough if you plan to do it for free as the competition has reached its peak in the News Feed.
Taking the advertising route is better than trying other worn out tricks to improve the reach of your posts.

Content that works on Facebook

Making our post stand out in the crowd is basically what we all try to do when sharing posts on Facebook. It’s quite clear and evident that rich media is what works on social media like Facebook. Beautiful photos, entertaining videos are more likely to get viral on social media than any other kind of content.
Page Insights would really be helpful in analyzing the performance of your page and also you want to shift your focus on sharing links to drive more traffic to your blogposts.

Ways to increase reach and drive traffic from Facebook

Boosting your post is an easy way to increase the reach of your post and drive more traffic. It’s pretty easy. Go to your post, and at the lower right corner, click the Boost Post option. Choose from the options you’re presented with.
We are going to use retargeted pixels and to set up this, select the option that says “people you choose through targeting” on clicking Boost Post.
Doing this will let you target your Facebook audience that was previously your blog’s audience.

These were the tested and proven ways of driving traffic to your blog. Bloggers have been using the above methods and driving huge traffic to their blogs. Which one worked for you? How was the experience implementing the above ways? Do let us know in the comments below.

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