how to make $5000 a month with email step by step

A lot of people talk about how to make money with email list building, but not many people actually go into any detail.

Today I’m going to show you how to make $5,000 a month by taking you behind the scenes of my email list building business that takes me around 20 minutes per day to maintain.
On top of that, I’m going to share my personal 110+ email autoresponder sequence with you so you can learn how to do the same.
At the end of this tutorial you will have learned how to create an email list building funnel that brings in new profit and leads every single day.
Imagine waking up on YOUR terms. No early commute in traffic. Waiting in your car, behind a line of exhaust-filled vehicles. Desperately needing a shot of espresso to keep yourself awake just long enough to endure 8 full hours of your employer’s BS.
That’s a scary story, that unfortunately, relates to wayyyyy too many of us. Your life can be different. Mine is. I escaped. Let me tell ya how…

The secret sauce to building virtual assets with RESIDUAL income is creating a repeatable business model.
Why hustle for hours to make the same income, when you can almost as easily create something with recurring profits? Once they’re up and running, it can rake in profits FOREVER.
Just set it and forget it!”
– Ron Popeil, Founder of RONCO – Over $1 billion in revenue
Set what??
…What the F#$K is “it?
In affiliate marketing terms, “it” could be a wide variety of things. Some of which include: niche sites, Facebook Pages, T-shirt campaigns, YouTube channels, Kindle books, arbitrage and so on…
In this post, we’re building a virtual sales funnel.
Once set up, this funnel will:
·         Provide value
·         Collect leads
·         Generate sales
And the best part, building an email list is creating a virtual property that can net you MUCH MORE than the J-O-B, for a LOT less work.
[Luke] I can’t believe it.
[Yoda] That is why you fail.”
– Star Wars
Ok okay… Last quote, I promise. How could I resist Star Wars?
Anywho, this blog post is not your typical, press these buttons and watch as your bank account explodes with affiliate commissions. NOPE… It ain’t that easy.
That being said, if you break down this formula into it’s separate parts, it won’t be that hard either.
My “Rocket Science” Two-Step Email List Building Strategy:
·         Step 1: Build a List
·         Step 2: Promote Stuff
You don’t need to create your own product. And you don’t need to worry about specific details, like when to send and how many affiliate products to promote, etc.
Sure, there are some email list building best practices to follow. But as long as you’re focused on email list building and notifying them about “cool stuff” as it comes out, you will make money with this…
Email List Building 101
The reality is that when you started email list building, you’re not going to have subscriber numbers like these overnight:
aweber email list building tools 1
aweber email list building tools 2
aweber email list building tools 3
self hosted email list
I knew that building an email list was going to be a gradual process. What I didn’t realize is that you can actually make a lot of money while you build your list. But more on that later…
We’re starting at the beginning, which means building your landing page.
For those of us unfamiliar to the term “landing page” it literally just means a page on your site that is designed to collect email subscribers.
The way it works is simple, your task is to perform an ethical bribe.
An “ethical bribe” in marketing, is a promise of value in exchange for an email address.
·         You get subscribers
·         They get value

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