Twitter Video marketing : crazy Guide for beginner

Twitter is an amazing public resource, and has grown from a niche micro-blogging website into a valued communication tool that is often the worldwide source for breaking news. Anyone can set up and use Twitter, and sometimes it seems like everyone already has.

beginner,twitter video marketing

The basic premise of only having 140 characters with which to say something has become something of an art form for some users - depending on who you decide to follow on Twitter, your timeline will be filled with jokes, news, links, pictures and (typically) arguments.
The service is gradually allowing users more room for what they want to say, removing photos and URLs from the standard 140-character limit in first tweets and now also replies. And it has increased the video time limit from 30 seconds to 140 seconds.
In September 2016, Jack Dorsey of Twitter teased the rollout of 280 character tweets:
Some users have been able to use the function already and can send tweets twice the normal length. We await a worldwide rollout of the feature, but it's an interesting move for Twitter. The company is under pressure to grow its user base, which dramatically plateaued over the last couple of years.
But Twitter remains a confusing place for those new to Tweeting. We break down the basics of Twitter and its features to provide you with a guide to one of the world’s most used online resources. 

Twitter’s basic rules

Tweets are 140-character messages. You can send as many as you want as often as you want, and anyone else on Twitter who chooses to ‘follow’ you will see these tweets appear in their timeline.
Your Twitter timeline displays the tweets from all the accounts you follow in the chronological order in which they were tweeted. You can follow as few or as many accounts as you like.
Accounts can be run by anyone from your mates to corporate enterprises. So for every debatably hilarious meme your mate posts, it could end up appearing next to a Microsoft advertising tweet.
Remember that anyone can see a tweet – even someone doesn’t follow you, they can go to your account and view your tweets.
You can change yours setting so that your tweets are viewed only by the followers you approve. This goes against the point of Twitter, but if you want to, there’s an option to do so.

Video marketing is becoming an important component for online marketers and it’s growing at a prolific rate. It’s surprising that Twitter only introduced video on their platform last year.
As with any new feature, Twitter video is open to change as the company works hard to deliver the best product that they can to their fans. However, for marketers trying to understand how Twitter videos are seen by their following, it can get pretty confusing.
How do you upload a video? Can you only use your smartphone? Do my followers even see my video, or do they just see a link? What about linking to YouTube videos – do those show up automatically in their feed? What are other brands doing? How can you get the most out of your Twitter video marketing? If you’re looking for the dummies guide to Twitter video, then you’re about to read one….
First let’s start with the basics of how to record and upload a video. Twitter gives you the following four options:
  1. Post from a smartphone
  2. Post from a desktop
  3. Post a link from a different platform i.e.: YouTube, Vimeo or Wistia.
  4. Pay to promote your video and reach a larger audience
Here’s what you need to know about each option:

1. How To Post From Your Smartphone Using The Twitter App

Max video length: 30 seconds

This is very simple to do, and perfect if you wanted to post a quick video on the fly. You can either upload a video that’s already saved to your phone, or record a video from within the app.
Simply hold down the recording button to film your content. Remember, you’ve only got 30 seconds to play with so try to record the most engaging footage you can.
smart phone example 1
You can stop at any time to record different footage, and drag and drop your scenes to create the perfect video.
smart phone example 2
Once you’re happy with your video you can post it direct to your followers. The viewer doesn’t need to click on View Summary or on the Tweet timestamp to see the video, it will auto-play as they scroll through their feed, meaning you’ll be able to instantly capture their attention.
smart phone example 3
To upload your own video via mobile, it needs to be in MP4 or MOV format.

2. How To Post From Your Desktop

Max video length: 30 seconds

This could be a preferred option if you’ve created a video using different software and you want to upload it directly to Twitter. Uploading is fairly simple, just click ‘Media’ and upload the video from your files.
add media twitter 1
The only condition is that the video still has to be 30 seconds, so if your footage is longer than 30 seconds, then you will need to chop it down. Twitter’s trimming tool lets you select the juiciest clips from your video…
Add media twitter 2
Once complete, you can post it to your newsfeed and just like if you were to record it from within the app, the viewer will be able to instantly view the video in their feed without having to click on View Summary or the Tweet timestamp to see it.
add media twitter 3
To upload a video on the web, it needs to be MP4 video in H264 format with AAC audio. Twitter lets you upload videos up to 512 MB, but as mentioned above, you will be prompted to edit the video to 30 seconds or less.
For more info on file size and resolutions, check out their support page.

3. How To Post A Video from A Different Platform

No max length

Posting a video from a different platform such as YouTube, Vimeo or Wistia, is a popular option. Although you don’t get length restrictions by doing it this way, you are restricted to how a person views it.
different platform example 1
Unlike the above options, your followers need to click on “view media” for the video to show, so this may restrict how many people actually view your video because it won’t auto-play.
different platform example 2

4. How To Post A Sponsored Video

Max length: 10 minutes

A sponsored post is essentially your way of paying to get your video in front of your audience. It can be a lot more beneficial for your brand as you can target users based on specific demographics, interests and engagement levels.
One key difference of a sponsored video is that you can upload anything up to 10 minutes, which can help if you’re struggling to get your message across in 30 seconds.
To post your video, you need to visit the ads section of the platform. From here, you can click on ‘creatives’, and then select videos from the drop-down menu.
sponsored video example 1
Next you’ll need to set up a campaign, so in this instance you’ll probably want to choose video views.
sponsored video example 2
Then you’ll be guided through the following steps, including setting up a schedule to assign how long you want your campaign to run for:
sponsored video example 3
Select your audience including location and gender:
sponsored video example 4
Include the keywords of your campaign so that you get the full SEO benefits from your tweet:
sponsored video example 5
And assign your budget, which will determine how many people your video will reach:
sponsored video example 6
Once your ad is all ready to go, it will appear at the very top of the users newsfeeds (like this one below) and will auto-play to help instantly grab their attention. This may be a preferred option as you guarantee to get right to the top of a users feed.
sponsored video example 7
Once your ad is all ready to go, it will appear in users newsfeeds (like this one below) and will auto-play to help instantly grab their attention.
sponsored video example 8
So that’s all you need to know about how to create and post a video, but what type of content should you be posting to make sure that you’re reaching your full potential with Twitter video?
Take a look at some of the following examples to see what other brands are currently doing…

What Are Other Brands Doing?

How-To Videos

Content that teaches your audience something is one of the most popular types of videos to create, and if you can do this within 30 seconds, then you’ve got yourself a highly effective selling tool on your hands…
So for example, Proper Tasty upload videos that show the viewer how to create various tasty dishes. The videos are quick, easy to follow and really engaging…

Product Video

Did you know that 77% of consumers have been convinced to buy a product or service after watching a video about it?
A product video is a great tool to use, especially on Twitter as you can reach a large audience. Remember when posting on social media you need to keep the content light, engaging and shareable.
For example, Oreo creates fun animations that feature the cookie in a playful way. Creating this type of shareable video helps to build awareness of their brand, which will push the customer further along the sales cycle.


If you’re attending or holding an event, then this is the perfect opportunity to post a behind the scenes video to bring more exposure to your event. As you’d expect from a brand that sells a camera, GoPro mainly post videos on their feed, but this one in particular, is focused around a sporting event…


An interview is another great excuse to record a quick video. A good tactic to use is to interview an influencer within your niche and create a video with them as the subject. That way, you’re far more likely to increase playrate as you can leverage the promotion from their audience, and your own.
So for example, Reebok interviews famous athletes such as this one from JJ Watt, as this guarantees interest from their followers.

Measuring Engagement

Once you’ve created your video you need to make sure that you’re measuring users response to it.
The good news is that Twitter makes it really easy to track the engagement of all posts whether you’ve paid to promote it or not. Check out the metrics of your video by clicking on the engagement icon on the Tweet itself, and this will then bring up a window with impressions, media views, likes, retweets and more.
measuring engagement
Alternatively, if you’ve paid to promote it then you’ll be able to see a full drill down of the analytics including impressions, link clicks, cost per link and click rate.
measuring engagement 2
By gathering the metrics of your videos, you’ll be able to gauge the best time to post, what your audience likes, and how you can improve your video marketing for future success.

Include Twitter Video In Your Marketing!

Twitter video is a great tool that can – and should – be included in your marketing strategy. Hopefully this guide has provided you with everything you need to get started. Don’t forget to test out different options and see what works for your brand, and your audience. Good luck!

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